The KOVA take on
Enterprise Technologies

Kova Corp delivers reliable solutions for enterprise and security intelligence, efforts supported by our partnerships with global leaders in public safety and contact centers.

How PSAPs Can Comply With NENA’s 911 Standards

The National Emergency Number Association, or NENA, sets strict criteria in multiple areas of the emergency response process. Its standards are the gold standard of compliance in the industry, and following them will ensure that you’re ready to meet any emergency like a pro. After all, 911 dispatchers save lives every day, and the more […]

Fraudulent Calls and Hanging Up: PSAPs in the News

Public safety access points (PSAPs) like yours are the first line of defense for Americans during some of the worst times of their lives. You’re expected to be there, 24/7, no matter how difficult the call or how hard the day. There’s no understating the importance of what you do: neglecting a call can mean […]

17 Things You Need to Know about Emergency Dispatchers

They’re the first people we call in an emergency-- our lifeline between disaster and the help we need. Emergency dispatchers are a crucial part of public safety for a myriad of reasons. They patiently talk our parents and grandparents through the tense and sometimes painful moments after a fall until help arrives. They tell police […]

Public Safety Tips for Cycling in the Summer

The other day, I ran into a friend on the bicycle trail near my neighborhood. We both espoused how happy we were to be enjoying the summer weather, exercising, and saving a little bit of gas money by riding our bikes. “Why doesn’t everyone do this?” I said, intending it to be a rhetorical question. […]

Challenges for Rural 911 and EMS Communication Hubs

As anyone who has ever driven to meet a friend that lives on a farm knows, there are often special directions needed, vast distances to cover, and some stretches with no Starbucks, reception, or population.  One gets a similar picture when imagining the challenges of responding effectively to 911 emergencies in rural areas.  Rural (and […]

5 Public Safety Myths that are Limiting Your Success

There are many myths out there about public safety, and many people take them as fact. However, you’re in the industry of righting wrongs, fighting for justice, and keeping people safe: you’re someone who always wants the correct information. We’ve gathered five of the biggest misunderstandings about public safety software to help increase your organization’s […]

FCC Adopts Tighter Accuracy For Emergency Calls

  Following a meeting held on January 29, The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) adopted a new set of regulations aimed at improving the location accuracy of 911 calls, especially for such calls originating indoors and above ground. The adoption of new regulatory measures comes after a year of intense lobbying from many groups from across […]

Nation’s 911 System Vulnerable

It’s a growing problem. The nation’s emergency communication system is highly vulnerable to attacks. 911 communications can be disrupted or spoofed with ease. Without financial reward, the volume of attacks against emergency communication is surprising. Motivations vary -- some do it for mischief, but it’s also used to disrupt businesses, and could conceivably be used […]

FCC Will Discuss New 911 Location Rules

National Public Safety Groups And Wireless Carriers Forge Roadmap Agreement At the end of last year, the nation’s wireless carriers and public safety industry groups reached consensus concerning improvements in locating cellular 911 callers. The plan, which was the fruit of over 8 months of debate and discussion, exceeded earlier proposals made by the Federal Communications […]

Location Accuracy Still A Problem For Wireless Callers

In critical situations, a few minutes can easily spell the difference between life and death. Any lag or gap in communications between callers and emergency response professionals imperils the slender thread that sustains swift response. Locating Indoor vs. Outdoor Emergency Calls From Wireless Devices Emergency telephony faces a major hurdle when the public makes 9-1-1 […]
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