The KOVA take on
Enterprise Technologies

Kova Corp delivers reliable solutions for enterprise and security intelligence, efforts supported by our partnerships with global leaders in public safety and contact centers.

Audiolog for Contact Centers: Record, Evaluate, Grow

Audiolog is a powerful software solution that grants contact centers the ability to go beyond regular audio recording capabilities. Powered by Verint Systems, Inc., the software enables calls, texts, emails and web chats to be recorded off multiple sources. With advanced optional features, AudioLog helps businesses record, evaluate and grow faster than ever before. Cost-Effective […]

A Fresh Look At Call Center Workforce Management Part II

Call center staff are the make-or-break component to any call center. Last time we looked at three ways to reexamine and reinvigorate call center workforce management. Here are three other ways to improve your call center’s performance. 1. Make Action A Priority. The relationship between staff and management is dynamic and reciprocal. If efforts are […]

Staff Training with Workforce Management Software

Call Center Management Is A Whole With Parts Call center management is a blend of key elements that must all be in place and operational if your contact center is to be successful. Skillful team members require support by effective resources that are available when needed, employed in response to an accurately forecasted work load. […]

Celebrating World Telecommunications Day

Did you know that Saturday, May 17, was World Telecommunications and Information Society Day? How does one celebrate such a day? The purpose of WTISD is to help raise awareness of the possibilities that the use of the Internet and other information and communication technologies can bring to societies and economies, and to bridge the […]

Introducing the New Insight Center Remote

KOVA is excited to announce the launch of its latest new product: InsightCenter, Remote Edition! The InsightCenter has always been a vital and valuable element in our Audiolog For Public Safety recording system, allowing users the ability to recreate an incident using audio, video, and even text recordings, all in one place. But now this […]

Internet Telephones Are Not All That They Seem To Be

In the modern world of digital media and wireless communication, being connected is as much a basic need as the necessity of water and electric utilities. And as with any other basic service, consumers are usually on the lookout for ways to save money. Voice over internet telephone service is an increasingly popular choice with […]

FCC Makes 911 Recommendations to Congress

The increasing array of communication devices and platforms is a challenge to emergency response services. Realizing that the current regulatory status is more a hindrance than a help, the FCC recently issued a report calling on Congress to act in the interest of 911 service providers. In many states, public safety answering points (PSAPs), because […]

Using Metrics to Improve Contact Center Performance

Any time communication takes place with customers there is an opportunity to enhance the image of your enterprise. Unfortunately, there are also the pitfalls of leaving the customer with a less than satisfactory experience. Optimizing contact center metrics can be a way to better your communication with customers – and that’s a means to advertise […]

9 Ways Contact Centers Can Improve Web Chat Interactions

As technology evolves new ways of communicating with customers, the problem of making sure that person-to-person communication does not become distorted by the digital medium is a real one. The ways we achieve customer satisfaction sometimes require special consideration. This is especially true with web chat. Missing nuances of tone and facial expressions, a chat […]

SilentPartner: Much More Than Just a Data Capture App

KOVA is excited to share a brand new video about our mobile recording platform, SilentPartner, which turns your smartphone into a multi-purpose tool for capturing data while on the go.  There are some apps that help you while away the time with a game, launching birds at unstable structures or decorating virtual cupcakes with virtual […]