We here at KOVA are thrilled to announce that our partner, Verint Systems, Inc., was recently honored with a 2013 Market Leader award from Speech Technology Magazine in the Speech Analytics category. In order to determine who deserves this prestigious prize each year, the publication considers the following criteria: affordability, customer satisfaction, ease of use, accuracy, depth of functionality, and company direction.
Verint’s win was based on its Verint Media Recorder Speech Analytics solution. Paul Stockford, chief analyst at Saddletree Research, and a judge on the awards panel, had this to say: “Verint’s solution is highly accurate and extremely easy to use and administer, and the ROI has been proven and well-documented over the past several years…Verint is highly regarded in the end-user community. Its reputation for customer satisfaction is exemplary.”
Verint Media Recorder Speech Analytics, a part of Verint’s Voice of the Customer Analytics portfolio, helps companies sift through recorded customer calls to uncover information that is important in creating effective strategies for improved customer experience, customer service, revenue generation, and cost containment. It enables businesses to quickly and easily see trends and opportunities which help in the identification of their strengths and weaknesses. Once these are better understood, they can more effectively be taken advantage of, or addressed, helping to decrease costs and enhance products, processes, competitive advantage, and the overall customer experience.
With Verint Media Recorder Speech Analytics, companies gain a better understanding of customer behavior by categorizing and analyzing call content automatically to explain why customers call, to reveal the core cause of perceptions, and to home in on competitive threats and opportunities. It also provides a focus on companies’ quality monitoring programs, by automatically pushing calls that involve key business issues to management for review. Importantly, it does all this using fewer resources, by sharing intelligence across the enterprise with automated workflow tools.
This solution also helps companies support demands pertaining to their Big Data initiatives, by making use of key capabilities of Verint’s Enterprise Workforce Optimization Suite. By giving companies a holistic overview of the customer journey and experience, this software allows them to use the voice of their customers to turn their new knowledge into action.
“We’re delighted to mark our place in the winner’s circle in this year’s Speech Technology Awards program,” commented Oren Stern, global vice president, voice of the customer analytics, Verint Enterprise Intelligence Solutions. “The distinction complements the award we received earlier this year from its sister publication, CRM. It also highlights the strengths in the solutions that comprise our analytics portfolio, including customers past and present that have been recognized by Speech Technology’s ‘implementation honors’ for advances in their businesses based on the use of our solutions.”
We here at KOVA are also delighted at Verint’s recognition. If you would like more information on how Verint’s award-winning Verint Media Recorder Speech Analytics solution can help your business, contact KOVA today! We have representatives standing by to schedule your discovery session, so that we can customize a solution that’s just right for your company.