KOVA is excited to announce its latest offering: Our brand new Mobile Recording Solution! Finally, professionals on the go have a way to use their smart phones to capture critical information on site, such as interviews and photos, categorize that data on the spot by assigning it a name or number, and then instantly transmit that information to their office’s central database for storage.
Our Mobile Recording Solution has nearly unlimited potential for those whose jobs require them to visit homes, businesses, or job sites, and document their findings. Below are just a few example use-cases:
Insurance Adjusters can arrive on the scene of a car accident, or show up in the aftermath of a natural disaster, and use this new technology to document the damage and losses with their smart phone. Every picture they snap will be sent immediately to their home office for secure storage, so there’s no delay in processing. And adjusters can easily assign claim numbers to those photos from their phone as well, organizing them for easy retrieval when needed. Any necessary interviews or phone calls can also be recorded and saved instantly.
Health Inspectors can head into restaurants and other institutions with their smart phone, confident that the photos they take during their inspections will be sent directly to their database, and that any interviews they perform will also be captured on-site and transmitted to their office, categorized by institution name, case number, or any other identification method they choose.
Construction or Transportation Inspectors can enter job sites and record their inspections of projects, roads, bridges, and assets with their smart phone, easily categorizing and submitting the data to their home office instantly.
Social Workers can take advantage of most people’s familiarity and comfort level with smart phones to use it for casework, as they capture interviews and document house visits. And since the information is easily organized on the phone itself, and immediately saved in their main office’s system, this new technology will make their lives that much easier.
Our new Mobile Recording Solution also captures every possible detail about each call or interview recorded. Along with the actual audio, it also transmits caller ID data, the actual dialed digits, and the phone’s GPS location at the beginning and the end of each call or interview, to an organizations’ central database.
Security is our highest priority – that’s why our Mobile Recording Solution features 1024-bit encryption, secure file transfer from phone to headquarters, as well as digital fingerprinting of all files to guarantee their authenticity.
And once back at headquarters, the speech analytics built into our mobile recording software can even “listen” to the content of all calls and interviews, reporting on any trends or links.
For any business that requires employees to venture out into the field to collect data, KOVA’s new Mobile Recording Software is the answer. Rather than dealing with cameras and recording devices, or experiencing the hassle of transferring files manually from one location to another, it is now possible to streamline the entire process, making it hassle- and worry-free. For more information on this exciting new product, and how it can help your business run more smoothly and efficiently, contact KOVA today.