How To Go Green In Your Contact Center

Written by KOVA Corp

How environmentally friendly is your contact center? Going green is smart not only because it helps the planet, but also because it can save your contact center money. A plan to reduce waste and get the most possible out of every resource is a vital part of any good business strategy, but it’s easy to focus on the big things, forgetting that the little things add up, as well. We’ve put together a few tips to help your contact center workforce whittle away at your carbon footprint - and save you a significant amount of money in the process.

Place more recycling bins than trashcans in your contact center

If throwing paper in the trash requires a walk down the hall but there are several recycling bins right nearby, which are your contact center employees more likely to choose? Strategic placement of recycling bins is key to encouraging your workforce to place their paper trash there. Also include recycling bins in the cafeteria and/or break room for plastics, cans, and bottles. Encourage your employees to trash as few items as possible.

Use the paper from those bins for printing internal documents.

Rather than using a new ream of paper every time you print or copy internal documents that won’t be seen by anyone outside the contact center, use the scrap paper in the recycling bins. You’ll use up the paper to its full capacity before sending it off to be recycled. Speaking of, make sure your staff recycles!

Give call center agents their own personal tablet for note taking

It might be a big cost initially, but your company will benefit in the long run. Save on office supplies like pens and paper by giving each agent a tablet. They can take and retrieve notes with ease. Their notes can also immediately be uploaded onto the company’s cloud and into a private folder, meaning that the agent can access the notes wherever they may be. And the ability to share means no need to make endless copies that some individuals will no doubt lose.

Store data in the cloud.

Instead of using file cabinets or desk drawers to store folders full of documents, make use of the cloud or secure company servers to save data. It’ll be easier to retrieve when needed, and save on paper ink, and toner. Plus you won’t have to keep buying more file cabinets every time you run out of space in your old ones!

Use paper clips instead of staples.

Not only will this do away with all the hassles of staple removal, but it will also help tighten your office supply budget, since paper clips are reusable. Not ready to give up stapling? Invest in one that cuts the paper and binds it together, much like a staple would.

Opt for more natural lighting.

If you can, choose natural lighting sources for your office space. Not only does it reduce the need for manmade lighting, it also keeps electricity costs low and improves employee happiness. Open the blinds or (if feasible) install large windows.  Installing larger windows not an option? Consider the source: Look into green ways to power your business. Install solar panels to power your lights, computers, and more.

Schedule green teambuilding activities.

Have your employees take part in planting trees or flowers, cleaning up local parks, or adopting a stretch of highway. Not only does this give your employees the opportunity to help the local environment but gives them an opportunity to spend time outside the office while working together for a common goal. Turn it into a competition by dividing the employees into two groups. Whoever collects the most trash/recycling (in weight) wins!

Invest in permanent kitchenware for your break room.

Rather than providing paper cups, plates, and utensils for your contact center workforce, buy a set of permanent kitchenware and simply add dishwashing supplies near your sink. Provide cloth towels instead of paper towels for general clean up as well. Encourage your staff to participate by putting a sign near the sink with facts about plastic ware waste (and remind them to clean up after themselves!).

Provide water in water coolers rather than water bottles.

Encourage employees to bring a reusable water bottle from home or to use a mug or cup for water, rather than disposable plastic bottles. Instead of a water cool, you could also install a fountain that serves both for drinking purposes and as a refilling station. Plus, it will count up and show you how many plastic bottles your company saved since its installation!

Each one of these simple tips can help you save money in your contact center, while at the same time doing something good for the environment. Using resources more efficiently doesn’t have to be hard, and that’s as true when going green as it is in workforce management. If you’re looking for a way to increase the efficiency of your contact center workforce, look no further than KOVA’s Enterprise Workforce Optimization Solutions. Contact us today to find out how we can tailor a plan to fit your contact center’s needs.

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