No matter what type of contact center you run, from customer service to technical support to sales, eventually, your employees are going to have to deal with an angry customer. It’s never a pleasant experience, but there are steps that can be taken to make sure that the situation is handled as smoothly as possible, and that the customer hangs up feeling calmer than when he called.
Thorough training is imperative to prepare agents for these situations, and a cheat sheet with a list of tips at each station couldn’t hurt, either. It’s helpful to have a reminder in sight when emotions begin to run high. The most important thing of all, however, is for your employees always to keep in mind that the customer is not angry at them personally – that realization can go a long way towards helping them keep their cool while being yelled at.
Another thing that is vital for your agents to remember is that the customer is always right – even when they’re wrong. With that in mind, here are 7 tips to handling an angry customer:
1. Agents should never argue with a customer. Arguing will only make the situation worse. Even if the customer is clearly in the wrong, train your employees to remain calm, positive, and professional at all times. Their goal should be to calm the customer and resolve the situation in a way that satisfies him or her – not to prove them wrong.
2. Agents should listen more than they talk. You know the old saying about the reason we have two ears and only one mouth, right? Angry customers need to feel that their complaints are being heard; otherwise, they’ll become even angrier. Train your employees to hear them out completely, rather than jumping in with comments and suggestions right away.
3. Agents should empathize with customers. Once the customer has had a chance to voice their complaint, your employees should convey to him or her that they understand and empathize. This alone can sometimes diffuse the tension instantly. Letting the customer know they are on their side, and will do all they can to help them, will contribute greatly to the successful resolution of the situation.
4. Agents should be patient. Patience is a virtue, remember? And doubly so in a contact center environment. An emotional customer may need things explained more than once, or may repeat himself in an effort to make sure his concerns are understood, and it can be hard to remain calm and patient. But doing so will pay off immensely when your customer feels that things have been handled satisfactorily.
5. Agents should remain positive no matter what. Angry customers don’t want to hear about what agents can’t do, or what isn’t possible. They want solutions. Luckily, any negative statement can easily be turned into a positive one. For example, instead of saying “I can’t…,” agents should try, “What I can do for you is…”
6. After a negative call, agents should take a little time to de-stress. Even the most patient, positive, professional agent will need a few minutes to regain their composure after a tough call. Allow them to take 5 to get a cup of coffee or take a short walk around the office to shake off the stress. Their performance afterwards will demonstrate just how important this is.
If you are looking for a more efficient way to train your contact center workforce in areas such as customer service, why not take a look at KOVA’s Verint Media Recorder eLearning and Verint Media Recorder Coaching solutions? To find out how we can customize a solution for your call center, contact us today!