What’s Next For Public Safety Technology?

Written by KOVA Corp

Like any other field, public safety has been through some major changes over the years as technology has become more sophisticated. Innovations in tech have changed the way we think about public safety, and more importantly, how we implement it. But what’s next for public safety? The pace of these tech changes has picked up, and there are more and more new ideas coming to light, as well as old ideas that are finally feasible thanks to new and innovative technology. So here are just a few of the things you’re going to be seeing more often in the coming years.

Wearable Technology For First Responders
You’ve probably heard a lot about body cameras for police officers in the news lately, but that’s not the only wearable tech being developed for first responders. For police, there may soon be puncture-detection sensors woven into fabric, so that if an officer is shot, a 911 call would go out automatically. Other possibilities, for first responders of all types, include fabrics that generate energy from body movement and charge devices, as well as mouth guards that can convey sound even in a loud environment.

Digital Evidence Management and Analytics
The amount of digital evidence being generated by smartphones, surveillance cameras, and social media is becoming overwhelming. It’s going to be important for investigators to be able to capture, manage, and analyze all of this data in a coherent manner so that they can come to an accurate understanding of an incident. All of the data being generated is tough to analyze manually, so agencies and organizations will turn to analytics to turn all of this unstructured information into relevant information that they can use.

Wider Social Media Usage
For many citizens, social media has become a go-to for the latest news, alerts, and updates. Public safety officials have begun to take notice of this, sending out messages and updates on social media platforms, but many departments and organizations could use it more widely. It’s an effective, and even necessary, way to communicate with people during a disaster or public safety crisis.

Building Smarter
In the past, after a disaster has hit, some communities have rebuilt as they were before, with few protections against the same scenario. This is wishful thinking that can have dangerous consequences. Look for communities to increasingly be building in more sustainable ways that provide protection from recurring events like floods and damaging storms.

At KOVA, we’re on the cutting edge of these changes and trends in public safety. Our SilentPartner data capture app revolutionizes the way that field workers do their jobs—capturing, transmitting, and labeling data for later use. Instead of grabbing a camera, voice recorder, laptop, and cellphone, imagine just walking out of the house with your smartphone.

For more information on the ways in which the SilentPartner app can revolutionize the way you do your job, watch our video on the subjecthere, check out ourFAQ page, orcontact KOVA today.

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