Top 5 Law Enforcement Trends Affecting Police in 2017

Written by KOVA Corp

Law enforcement practices are going through some changes right now, and there is a great deal of scrutiny on departments and officers around the country. Whether fair or not, there are expectations of change in law enforcement, some of which have been in the works for years, while others are brand new ideas. So let’s take a look at some of the trends that we’re seeing right now in law enforcement.

1. Body cameras

Body cameras have come into wider use recently, and they can have a positive impact for both the officers and civilians they interact with. Body cameras can provide definitive evidence in situations where a police interaction is disputed. This contributes to the trend of transparency and accountability that departments are pursuing, especially when it comes to use of force.

2. Police are people too

Another trending item right now is making an effort to engage and encounter the community in such a way that will show them that each officer is a person just like them. It can be easy for departments to retreat and go on the defensive when faced with negative perceptions and distrust, but we’re seeing more use of dialogue and engagement to help alleviate those negative perceptions and remind community members that officers are doing their jobs to the best of their capabilities, and are limited by the fallibility of human nature—just like the rest of us.

3. Community engagement

Related to the last point, we’re seeing an increase in the number of ways in which departments reach out with community partnerships and engagement.

This level of communication is important because these connections and collaborations can have positive effects on police-community relationships. Bringing individuals together in non-confrontational encounters works to heighten the sense that police are individuals, and it also helps to improve officers’ cultural competencies and understanding of the community they serve.

4. Social Media Comes Into Play

The rise of social media has vast implications for officers’ ability to find suspects, gather evidence, and perform their jobs.

So many people post personal information about their geographic location or plans, and social media can provide a wealth of information for law enforcement.

On the other hand, the social media environment can also be detrimental to law enforcement when officers are caught on video and put online for everyone to see. Law enforcement agencies are now developing sound, reasonable social media policies to stay transparent and accountable.

5. Technology Advances

While the pace of technological advance definitely isn’t slowing, law enforcement agencies are taking the time to decide what truly works for their agencies, and what may be more of a flash in the pan.

We already touched on body cameras, but departments will also need a way to effectively enter data, access it, and analyze it if they are going to make the most of new tech developments.

If you’d like to learn more about trends in law enforcement, and what may be coming in the future, then read out post, “4 Police Technologies That Are Changing Policing.”



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